Corporate Brochure

Overview | Products and Services | Customer Testimonials | Management

GNP Building Image GNP Computers

GNP Computers was founded in 1981 by graduates of Caltech and now has over one hundred employees. Corporate headquarters are located in Monrovia, California, and field offices are in Atlanta, GA, Dallas, TX, Denver, CO, Princeton, NJ, New Rochelle, NY, and San Diego, CA.  We are an ISO 9001-certified company.

GNP Computers maintains two interwoven core businesses worldwide: Telecom-Specific Computing Products and OEM Manufacturing Services.

Founded by Caltech graduates in 1981, GNP Computers remains fifteen minutes from the campus. We continue to rely heavily upon old and new alumni to maintain our world-class engineering staff.  GNP built its business on UNIX systems integration services and expertise and expanded into the telecommunications market with the development of high availability servers.  GNP has established a strategic sales and marketing relationship with Sun MicroElectronics.

Our skills, talent and resources are dedicated to satisfying our customers. Talent alone is not sufficient to ensure successful project realization. It is through the marriage of talent and execution that GNP empowers our clients and facilitates their success.  GNP has resolved to meet the highest quality standards in satisfying customer expectations and requirements.

GNP Offers Rapid, Cost-Efficient Project Realization from a World Class Engineering Resource to Compute the Telecom Network.

Products and Services:

OEM Manufacturing Services & Rapid Product Realization --
GNP Computers provides OEM manufacturing services and its Rapid Product Realization process to integrate complex bridges, router or gateways, and custom hardware or software to quickly and cost-effectively develop turnkey product solutions for the highly competitive telecom network.  In addition, GNP supports the final product by serving as a single source solution for testing, documentation, inventory management, revision control, software and technical support.
WorkServer Platform --
GNP's flagship WorkServer is a modular-designed, Continuous Availability, NEBS-certified, SPARC-based server for telecommunications service providers and equipment manufacturers.  With its remote power cycling and out-of-bandwidth maintenance capability, the WorkServer can be used for compute intensive applications on the telco network such as wireless voice and data services, Internet services, and the complete range of AIN applications.  Because of its standard Sun SPARCengine, telco applications developed on Sun can easily be deployed on the WorkServer.
SerialSmart --
GNP is the developer and manufacturer of SerialSmart, an asynchronous communication product for the Sun platform.

Customer Testimonials:

Ronald Foerster, QUALCOMM:
"GNP used its Rapid Product Realization and OEM manufacturing capabilities to quickly customize the basic WorkServer's configuration.  They were able to meet our specifications and deliver the compute power we need for our wireless infrastructure products."
Sam Spadafora, Sun Microelectronics:
"GNP's Rapid Product Realization, OEM manufacturing and its WorkServer platform fit with SME's objective of providing the best telecom solutions based on the SPARC platform.  Their success with such customers as Lucent, QUALCOMM, and Nortel proves GNP's WorkServer is the solution telecoms choose to quickly develop and deploy new products and services and they do it on the industry-standard SPARCengine."
Terry Hayes, AT&T Network Wireless Systems:
"Thank you for your extraordinary contribution in getting AT&T's Cellular Digital Packet Data System to market. Because of the effort of you and your CDPD team members, NWS's CDPD product was delivered to the market just 18 months after management's approval to go forward with the project."
Rich Bellino, AT&T Bell Labs:
"The GNP Gateway is NEBS approved! The gateway successfully passed the final EMC test today with more than the required margin."
AT&T Wireless Sourcing:
"AT&T really appreciated the "can do" attitude and cooperative spirit that GNP has provided us throughout our field trials. Without your commitment and dedication, it would have been more difficult to meet the aggressive installation dates demanded by our customers. It is truly a pleasure working with GNP."

For more testimonials, take a look at our recent success stories.

Senior Management:

Roger Baar, Ph.D., President

Alan Shebroe, Executive Vice President

Ken Kalb, Vice President, Sales & Marketing

John Wilson, Chief Financial Officer

Bruce Rostowfske, Vice President, Research & Development

Doug Baar, Vice President, Production

Other Management:

Donna Baar, Controller

Tom Buscher, Director, Software Development

wurzel Keir, Director, Electrical Engineering

Debbie Halpin, Director, Human Resources

Media Relations:

Erica Zeidenberg, Director, Marketing Communications

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